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  1. 1

    sarah lister

    This isn’t that difficult to believe. For years I have been using several different supermarkets to shop in rather than just one. Although you have to take into account that you can use more petrol this way and end up not really making a saving. Also I think that some shop brands are better than others. Mercadona’s are really good, but sometimes you have to stick with name brands like Ariel for a decent detergent. Dia is great if you apply for a card as you get money off coupons too each month but why are all Dia’s so dirty looking??

  2. 2

    Long term rentals Marbella

    One of the biggest names in English supermarkets has introduced a system where you can input a code from your receipt for every product you have purachased and they will compare price competitiveness with other supermarkets.

    If, after that exercise, you find you have paid more they refund the difference. Great idea….I´m sure thousands of shoppers can´be bothered to do this, but if they did, over the course of a year, the figure you mention above in savings would be more than achievable!

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