If you have children you are always worried something could happen or they just get lost. Telttoo had an idea for decals, that can be customised with important information to the person wearing it and the person applying it. So you can have a decal with information such as telephone numbers and other contact details or even allergies and dietary requirements, identification, etc. At the beach, summer camps, fairs, amusement parks, school trips, shopping centres, children parties and in all those ocassions where your loved ones are not with you. With Telttoo you can be safer and easily contactable in an easy, convenient and fun way.
Telttoo was born from the need of parents to feel safer by knowing that in case of any problem, their children, with a simple gesture of pointing at their Telttoo, can ask for help and their parents can be contacted quickly on their mobile phone.
Telttoo is also very useful for other groups of people, such as elderly, ill or disabled, providing confidence and security to their family and themselves.
Telttoo is sold in templates of 45 decals for a price of 19.90 Euro at telttoo.com/en. All you need to do is cut them and apply them with water and you will feel much safer.